How should I water the succulent leaves or babies
I’m propagating?
This is the one time–and the only time–that it’s okay to use a spray bottle for watering your succulents–when you’re propagating!
However, even still… I recommend using a squeeze bottle (like the one in my favorite tool kit) to ensure the soil gets thoroughly wet.
When you’re propagating succulent leaves indoors or outdoors, you can water them every day. You want to keep the soil damp (though not sopping wet) so the leaves have plenty of access to water.
Just spray the top of the soil with a spray bottle (or use the squeeze bottle from above). Like the roots of large succulent plants, the leaves will absorb water from the air around them, so spraying the soil with a spray bottle is usually enough in my experience.
Keep an eye on your roots–they may dry out if they aren’t getting enough water.
Often I can look at the soil and know I need to water.
Other times, especially when I’m starting to reduce my watering frequency for these babies, I’m not sure if it’s time to water or not. Checking the Succulent Tracker app (Apple | Android) reassures me it’s time to water. Plus I can record photos in the app and see the progress of my babies too!
Watch your succulents for indicators
Now that you know the soak and dry method, it’s time for you to give it a try!
Pay attention to the signs your succulent is giving you. It will start to change if it needs more water or less water. Be sure to click here to grab my cheat sheet to see what that looks like. It’ll be super helpful.
It is much easier to save your succulents from too little water than from too much.