Succulents should be watered only when the soil has dried out completely. There is no universal watering schedule that works for every succulent in every climate.
Many indoor succulent growers find that watering 14-21 days is a good frequency to keep their succulents alive. Use this timeline as a starting point and adjust as needed.
Remember to get the free cheat sheet to see what it looks like when your succulents need more or less water.
The best frequency for watering your succulents is whenever the leaves show very early signs of under watering. Grab that cheat sheet above so you know that that looks like.
Since most succulents are very prone to rot with frequent watering, you’re best off to wait for a signal from your succulent before watering.
But if nothing else, don’t water again until the soil is totally dry.
And remember, keeping track of your watering schedule is really important. I can’t tell you how many times I “think” I haven’t watered in a while, only to find out, thanks to my notes in the Succulent Tracker app (Apple | Android) that it was just a few days ago.
Find out a few things that may affect how often you water your succulents in this video: